Good Bye Summer… Hate to see you go

IMG_5687 IMG_5752 IMG_5734 IMG_5741 IMG_5729 IMG_5735 IMG_5698 IMG_5722 IMG_5760 IMG_5734Top & Sandals: Zara (summer sale, see video here)   Shorts: Zara (new collection) 

Oh summer, you’re here for a little longer and I love you for it. Its so funny because last week my neighbor told me a squirrel pried open the side of his air conditioning unit and was peeking through at him! Lol. So he said, the hell with it and took his unit out of the window completely for the season. I started to wonder, hmm… maybe its time I take mine out too because I’m sick of hearing all the noise from construction outside, the sirens and the cars honking their horns at 8 am (we all aint early riserz *side eye*). But, as the summer winds down and wisks away off into the sunset (ugh and the days are going to get shorter!) I will enjoy the last few weekends of it. Aaaaahhhhh…

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