Health, Fitness and Diet

A few tips on how I maintain my weight, how or what I eat. I’d been asked to do this a lot by a lot of girls, and I was kind of conflicted because I’ve always been “skinny” but then no one else in my family is as small as me, except 2 of my younger cousins, so I figured maybe I’m doing SOMETHING right. So I just wanted to share what exactly I do. It may seem like nothing but its kept me where I’m at for the last 7 years. Yes, I’ve weighed 112-114lbs every time I go to the doc for the last 7/8 years. I’m not saying this will work for every one or that this should be a diet regimen for someone but this is just exactly what I’ve been doing, and since I was asked what I do, here it is! Hope this helps in some way or another! xx

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