Blue Skirt & The Losers

Blue Skirt

Blue Skirt 6

Blue Skirt 4

Blue Skirt 3Skirt: Zara (old, but similar here)   Shirt: Forever 21   Sandals: Zara (old but similar here)    Purse: American Apparel (similar here)   Sunglasses: Ray Bans

Some guys are such losers. And I’m so glad I’m off the market. Sometimes when you go through rough patches in a relationship you have to remember that the grass is never greener on the other side, its only spray painted honey. Please don’t be going over there getting that green spray paint all over your favorite shoes! Anyway, my friend was telling me about this guy she went out on a date with. He was perfect on paper from what she described. Wall street exec, tall, handsome and slim but muscular build. She was so excited (big mistake, never get too excited, be unimpressed and slowly let HIM impress YOU). She thought, he was perfect to take home, yada yada yada, you know how we all start to think waaaaay much further down the line than we need to? Yeah. So I patiently, listened.

They went out on a fabulous over the top date in Manhattan, and everything went well from what she described. They went back to his gorgeous pad in the city, a sky rise, where she described it as heaven on the outside but total bachelor pad on the inside, in desperate need of a woman’s touch. They watched a movie and fell asleep on the couch. Apparently these wall street guys work 14hr days so him falling asleep didn’t really ruin the mood for her. Nothing happened. He called her a cab and described the good bye part as.. a little awkward. She texted him when she got home to say she made it in safe. No response. She literally doesn’t hear a word from him for about a week, then he texts her out of the blue… “Are you coming to see me?” *insert like 10 emoticons crying laughing faces* Dude what?!!!!!!!! My face on the other end as she tells me this HORRID story. I was like, girl what? Please tell me you told him to kick the biggest boulders in the grand canyon barefooted. Pahahahaaa!!! What a loser… >_<

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    1. June 10, 2014 / 2:14 pm

      Smh, such a loser, your so lucky your off the market this is what we singles have to deal with. Love your skirt the cut is very cool and unique and the pop of colour with the clutch is perfect for this look.


      • June 12, 2014 / 4:06 pm

        Girl it took a village to get me and boyfriend where we are but yeah I do feel lucky all in all to have him by my side and in my lead when I need him to :-). Thanks for the compliments and if you so desire, I’m sure you wont be a “single” for much longer, you’re a princess right? So you’re prince is probably right around the corner waiting for you! xx (oh and please do come back here to tell me all about it too! 😉 )

    2. June 11, 2014 / 1:26 pm

      what a cute summer look! xoxo


    3. Trina
      June 12, 2014 / 8:32 am

      Cute outfit, we love our heels but no need to wear them all the time. That guy is a loser, but I find out that going to a guy house too early is not a good idea, even if nothing happens. They could be crazy. That’s what a single person like myself have to deal with.

      • June 12, 2014 / 4:02 pm

        Agreed, with the heels. Yeah but she’s known him since college, they just never took it to this level before I guess. Either way, his big toe should be hurting from all the rocks he’s been kicking. Lolol. And yeah singledom is craaaazy sometimes. I mean sometimes it can be fun I guess, but my friend was saying after a while it all gets tiring and she’s just over it all. 🙁 I’m gonna find her a winner! Got my eyes peeled (but she doesn’t know it of course! lol)

    4. June 18, 2014 / 5:02 am

      haha such a loser. I went through a rough breakup, so its nice to hear other stories on the same topic of loser men. On the other side…I love the skirt, you seem to pull everything off so well.


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