Quick and Cool

Denim & Leather

Denim & Leather 2

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Denim & Leather 3

Denim Jacket: H&M (similar here)   Skirt: H&M (Similar here)   Top: American Apparel  Boots: Aldo (old but similar here)

Why do guys do such “intentional” things? So I decided to start doing some working away from home. Like going to a cafe or somewhere with wifi and some nice workspace to get some video and picture editing done. So I went to Panera, I just love their Asiago cheese bagels, lightly toasted and sliced with butter. I had 2 :-D.

So I’m sitting in the most tucked away corner table next to a plug and facing a window (occasional people watching is so necessary), when this guy pulls up in the parking lot. His car is parked directly facing the window (totally intentional). So he gets out of the car STARING, like sir I didnt know you were in the drive thru looking at a menu, can I take your order? sheesh. He stares his way around his car to get his things out of the back seat, stares while he’s closing the car doors and then continues to stare as he walks up to the entrance, by now I’m rolling my eyes so hard they hurt.

Then he comes in and AROUND the corner, even though there are hundreds of other seats all over the place, and guess where he sits? RIGHT BEHIND ME. *insert grumpy cat face*. I’m like whuuuuu? whyyyyyy? sir? whyyyyy do you have to sit THERE? So of course he’s all up in my editing space, because I can see him in the glare on the screen *rolling my eyes again*. So I conjure up a silent weapon… I loaded up a pic of me and my honey on vacation in Jamaica last week and plastered it on my desktop and closed ALL the windows so it could be seen nice and clear 😀 Good Day sir.


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