Overalls and Cropped

Overalls 8

Overalls 6

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Overalls 3

Overalls 7

Top: Asos     Overalls: Zara (old, but similar here)      Sandals: Birkenstock    Glasses: Ray-Ban

Why do guys do such “intentional” things? So I decided to start doing some working away from home. You know, like going to a cafe or somewhere with wifi and some nice workspace to get some video and picture editing done. So I went to Panera. I love their asiago cheese bagels, lightly toasted with butter.

Here comes this guy, staring as he gets out of his car, because my seat is facing a window so I can people watch occassionally ;-p. He’s staring as he opens the door, every step of the way. So time goes by and I think nothing more of it. Then guess who comes walking around the corner with a tray of food?…. yeah creepy staring guy from outer space with his weird self. Sir really? could you be any more obvious? lmbo. So…. GUESS where he sits?…. No, I’ll wait, seriously, guess…..

RIGHT behind me!!!!! all in my screen and ish!!!!!! I could feel him staring through my back. So I sit there, like ok maybe I can just keep working and just totally ignore this whole charrade. No, I cant. I can see him in the reflection of my screen looking occassioanlly. So I politely pulled up a pic of my boyfriend and I on vacation, right clicked, and hit “save as wall paper”, and closed every single window I had up as I leaned a little to the left to fake check my phone.

He got up and left 2 minutes later. Pahahahaa!

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  1. nd
    July 25, 2014 / 12:00 pm

    love the birks & overalls
    laid-back & cool

  2. July 25, 2014 / 9:14 pm

    Haha wait, I love that anecdote. I can totally relate. Some guys!!

    Love love love these overalls. I’ve got a pair of short-alls but seeing you in these makes me think I need to get myself a pair of ’em!

  3. July 26, 2014 / 3:59 am

    lmao, that’s amazing! Some guys can be total creeps sometimes! That’s why I try to find a little corner to work at in the building where no one can sit behind and I can people watch comfortably lol. Good idea of putting that as your as wallpaper lol. I love the loose fitting of the overalls! It gives the look such a casual vibe, especially with the crop top. I actually found your blog on Chictopia and now following via Bloglovin!

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    xx AlexisSplash


  4. July 26, 2014 / 10:37 am

    Love this look…chilled out sexy..xx

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