Mustard Coat

Mustard Coat

Mustard Coat

Mustard Coat

Mustard Coat

Mustard Coat

Mustard Coat

Mustard Coat

Mustard Coat

Mustard Coat

Coat: Forever 21 (old but similar here)  Top: H&M (similar here)   Jeans: Zara (similar here)  Boots: Zara (old)

THIS coat. Ok, so de-cluttering my closet and figuring out what to sell/ giveaway always feels like an episode of Hoarders.
So I got an account on an app called Poshmark (if you havent heard of it, run to the app store and download it for free!). I list items I haven’t worn in over a year (believe it or not there’s a lot, and still tons more to list). So I came across this mustard coat and I couldnt decide if I wanted to sell it or not. I went back-and-forth several times and I finally said let me just take a picture of it and list it on Posh Mark. As soon as I listed it I got a lot of interest. People were commenting and asking questions about the coat but I really didn’t think it would sell because it was really kind of old and it was beaded up.

Later on in the week, my friend Jenny came over to help me take pictures for my blog and I told her that I was selling this coat but I wanted to try to style it one last time just to see if I can revive it or bring it back to life. So we shot with it and it was a complete success the coat came out beautiful in pictures, I thought it was styled to perfection I loved it! I was so happy.
Of course all of this is meanwhile the coat was still listed for sale on Posh Mark. So, one person asked me to post a picture of the coat close up and I totally forgot to do it. A few days later someone purchased the coat who had never asked any questions or left any comments on it. I secretly had a panic attack like I was on hoarders and the therapist took my belongings away, lol. But all jokes aside I honestly wanted the buyer to know exactly what they were getting into since up close it was a little beaded. So I took a picture of the coat up close and sent it to the girl personally just so that she knows exactly what she’s buying just from an integrity standpoint. She got the picture and saw it close up and she still loved it and said “send it to me anyway, thanks!”. Cool! I got one last fling in it and now it’ll make another girl as happy as it did for me, PLUS I’m up 15 bucks! Win win! Enjoy love!!!!

And if you have the app, be sure to follow me to see items I’ve worn/styled here or have had in my haul videos on youtube!

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    1. October 21, 2014 / 1:03 am

      Your style is effortless. Such a natural beauty! Great look! You totally brought that coat back to life. What a total WIN/WIN!

      • October 21, 2014 / 9:27 am

        Aww thank you so much! As I was writing and noticing how long my story was getting, I thought, “ain’t nobody got tiiiime to read all this” lolol. But thanks so much!!!

      • October 27, 2014 / 9:18 am

        Awww thank you!!!!! Def a win win!!! I’ll probably use the money to invest in a similar one with a different cut

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