Cyber Monday Fashion/Tech Gameplan

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So for cyber monday, a lot our fave stores like Asos, Nasty Gal, Zara and even our secret fave NY boutique Necessary Clothing will probably have the same sales as before if not better, so let me gear you up with my best and fave picks ahead of time. This way you can pre-game yourself for when the clock strikes midnight and all through out the day. So first let me start with the things I’m coveting right now. Tech stuff. For those of you that are creators in any kind of way, artists, aspiring photogs, aspiring bloggers/youtubers, this may be helpful to you. First, an iMac. If you edit a lot you will want AND need this. A part of the reason I’m never motivated when its time to edit is because doing it on a laptop gets annoying with a tiny track pad and after a while with a wireless mouse. So to complete my home office, an iMac was only the next sensible move and necessary investment into my brand as a blogger and youtuber.  I found Best Buy to be the ONLY retailer that had deals/discounts on them for Black Friday ($200 off!), so Cyber Monday should be good too!

Then, I bought the black version of that camel coat from Asos. I also wanted to get it in grey too but sis said I was OD-ing, so chill. Its actually not too late, I may still scoop it anyway *covers eyes*. One can never have too many coats living in New York. I bought some black ripped jeans, which I’ve been dying to get for ages. Then from Zara I bought some leopard and leather shoes and then these lace up ankle boots as well (like I needed more of those, smh). So go for it friends!!! Have at these picks and do come back here to tell what deals you found and if these picks helped you in any way!…. Now, back to MY shopping! xoxox

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