Pink Coat

Pink Coat

Pink Coat

Pink Coat

Pink Coat


Pink Coat

Coat: F21 Jeans: Zara (similar for under $70 here) Sweater: Zara (similar, and super cute on here) Boots: Aldo (similar here) Purse: Zara (similar here or here)

So remember this pink coat I got from F21 that I was gushing about? I finally brought her out to play and look how much life she gave me!! :-))). She was sold out online for a while and very sparingly scattered in some stores but now she’s back in stock! This is actually one of their finer coats at Forever 21. And whenever I find a great quality, nicely fit piece like this, especially at a store accessible to most? I’m def here to share. The quality is a nice, good, thick material. Def great for the cold and because it comes over sized little, it makes for the perfect layering coat. Oh and did I mention its 30% off right now? Any coat this fly for under $40, is def a must have for me. Just to see how many people actually read my lil blurbs, lol, look at THIS bad axx long coat F21 has on the LO-LO *in my O.T. Genasis voice* lolololol (yes his name is spelled with an a). Check out his song that I cant stop singing, although I’m def not in love with the coco. BAKING SODA I GOT BAKING SODA >_< lololol.  *pics shot by Jenny C.*

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    1. December 27, 2014 / 9:27 pm

      Love your style! This is a great look!


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