One more wear…

Multi color faux fur coat

Multi color faux fur coat

Multi color faux fur coat

Multi color faux fur coat

Multi color faux fur coat

Multi color faux fur coat

Faux Fur Coat from Asos old, but a somewhat similar one here. Sweathshirt, I premiered in my Zara haul video from Zara, but off the shoulder one here for only $36!. Jeans from Zara circa 3 years ago, lol but similar here. Shoes: Schutz

So I think Asos must be on to us, lol. I always buy my coats from them in the off season because how much of a steep discount they are. This one I bought… 2 seasons ago on sale for $64!!!! Biggest steal ever. So I just went to go look which similar ones they had now and I noticed that their sale prices arent as low as the previous seasons when you’d look in the off season. Never the less they do make an awesome coat that doesn’t look cheap or “ratty”. So I’m willing to pay anyway with any discount.

And yes, its still chilly out so I’m enjoying this wear your coat comfortably and with sandals deal. In the winter youre so laayerd up you cant even wear your coat unbuttoned. So I’m soaking this up big time 🙂

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