Mind, Body and Soul

Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress

Dress: Zara SS 2015 and sexy similar one here. Sandals: Zara SS 2015 similar ones here for only $63.  Purse: Zara FW2014 but similar here. Sunnies: Ray-Ban

Mind, body and soul. When you take care of those 3 things, it shows. I finally feel like I’m in a place of mental peace and physical health. It’s definitley showing in my body. I’ve started back taking hot yoga classes. Hot yoga is only the best thing to have ever happened to me and I strongly recommend it for you. It cleanses you from inside out. Yes at first you feel like its unbearable and you want to leave but I guarantee you’ll walk out renewed with the purest feeling of peace and being cleansed physically and spiritually. I do it once a week and it has already helped in the smallest ways. Like reducing my little belly pudge, feeling happier during the day and night when I’m by myself. It truly is peaceful.

You can even see the changes in my hair. I mean my hair has always been healthy and I owe it to sticking to the same regimen for the last 5 years. I’ll detail all of this in another blog post soon as I’ve been asked many times, lol. But yeah, I started wearing my hair curly and I feel so free. I love it. I think I finally feel like myself :-D. I thought about coloring it but for now, this is a nice change and I think I’ll stick with it for a while.

Photos by: J. Coerbell Photography

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    1. June 11, 2015 / 9:24 am

      Love the simplicity in your outfit. Yes I agree wholeheartedly about hot yoga. I have to admit I haven’t been for awhile and my body misses it, which is interesting. Thank you for reminding me of why I enjoy the practice so much 🙂

      • July 3, 2015 / 7:07 pm

        You should get back to it. All your body really needs is 1 day a week and you should be back in gear! Thanks for the love! xx

      • July 3, 2015 / 6:56 pm

        What a steal! Yes its def my fave purse to grab and go. And I love how you rocked it on your blogged it too! xx

    2. John Doe
      July 14, 2015 / 1:36 pm

      You do an awesome job, you make everything look beautiful.

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