Mom Jeans

Mom Jeans

Mom Jeans

Mom Jeans

Mom Jeans

Mom Jeans

Mom Jeans

Mom Jeans

Top: Bershka (similar here)

Jeans: Stradivarius (similar here)

Shoes: Zara SS13

Purse: Gucci

I remember standing at the register with this top in my hand in 2 colors. There was a cute younger guy at the register who I thought would def tell me truth. So I said to him “I love both of these tops equally, but I just cant decide which one to get!”. Of course he recommended getting both. I’m like sir, clearly you must not know bout’ me, lol. I said nah, I def need to only pick one. So he said, the nude. The other color was a blush pink. And I’m now glad I picked this one 🙂 I love it!. I wish we had Bershka here in the states or at least had the option of buying from them online, but we doooooooon’t! Bershka, if for some magical reason you’re listening?….. lol, PLEASE PLEASE bring Bershka to the US or at least give us online shoooopping!!

I’ll give you all a shopping video I’m currently editing too so you can see the store 🙂

And then these mom jeans? Love em too. They literally cup my little bum in the right way. And I really felt like the hot mom who showed up to the school to pick her kids up ;-D

*photos: by J. Coerbell Photography*

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