How to Understand Credit Cards

So I know this channel is supposed to be about beauty and fashion, but I’ve always wanted it to grow into a lifestyle channel where you can learn things you don’t learn in other places. This is one of the things I have been mulling over these past few months while taking a small step back to rearrange portions of my blog and life in general. Over the last few years, I have learned a great deal that has not only helped me to grow as a blogger but as a smart, informed and wise young woman. I want to share that with you so that you too can make any necessary changes in your life and lifestyle to get what YOU want out of life. I think too many times bloggers leave out certain details of their lives that could actually help others, like how to acquire true wealth and how to live, not just within but well below your means.

Finance is the one thing that I don’t think is covered or understood enough when it comes to the younger generation and not taught in school the way it should be. This is a simple, sit down “lets talk about it and understand it” video on how to use a credit card to BUILD your credit and remain credit worthy to grow your score. A lot of us really don’t understand how credit cards TRULY work much less credit in America in general. So here it is. In plain terms, broken down so that YOU can start to benefit and not the credit card companies ;-). This may seem hard to grasp or understand at first, but even if you have to watch this video 10 times, watch it, pause it, take notes, and LEARN this philosophy. I grew my score from a 588 to a 745 with this knowledge, and now I’m more than happy and PROUD to share it with you.

Enjoy, learn, grow and share! xo

p.s. I filmed this video almost 2 years ago *_*

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