Just Do It

So lately I’ve been listening to a lot of Lisa Nichols, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, and Les brown. And I’ve decided to get off of my pitiful woe is me train of not having a team, a photographer, an editor. Not having a this or that, the I cant do it because its “just me”. Well you know what? Success only knows JUST DO IT. Success only knows the people who try and not the people who make excuses. Ive been doing things to change my lifestyle and mindset. Because if I want to see different results, I def need a different approach than coming home saying I’m tired, plopping down on the couch to watch 90 day fiancé with a bowl of food. Sometimes you have to be your own motivation. You have to snap out of it and get to it. Life is way too short to NOT be doing what you truly want to do and be happy doing it.

So with that, here’s my return to reality post. My back to life, back to blogging post. Featuring some $4.99 Hydrangeas from Trader Joe’s! Yessss!!! My absolute favorite thing to get when I know I’ll be home for a few days and can enjoy them every morning when I wake up. Such a great feeling. Now if you’re at home, work, or somewhere reading this. Ask yourself what it is you want to accomplish, and remind yourself you CAN do it, and please, for God’s sake. JUST DO IT. No more excuses, no more doubts, what ifs or talking about it. JUST FKN DO IT!



*also, if anyone has any tips about making your hydrangeas last longer, PLEASE comment below and let me know. I’m going to try the aspirin trick but anything else?*

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