Believing In Yourself


Sweater: Stradivarius

Jeans: Bershka

Boots: ZARA AW17


Deep within ourselves, theres thing that yearns to be released. Something we’re passionate about, something we cant stop thinking about, something that is trapped within and dying to be released. When we are unable to release that, we become sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, confused, anxious, all of the things that don’t help us but only continue to hurt us. For this very reason, I have personally dedicated my time lately to working on just this, and within myself. To release whats inside and to be able to manifest that which is created from the feelings, desires and passions within me. And you can too.

It all begins with YOU. Everyone can believe in you but if YOU don’t believe in you, you’ll be stuck. You wont move towards those goals, dreams or aspirations. YOU have to believe. You have to help your own spirit to release whats within you to bring you the peace. To bring you joy and success.

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    1. Linda
      January 10, 2020 / 6:59 pm

      This is so true. I think we lose faith sometimes in the things that are deep down within us, and we shouldn’t. We should def keep striving and know that only action can create a reaction, like success. We really never know until we try. Not trying is just easy, it’s unfortunately the road often taken. But very well said, thanks for the friendly reminder 🙂

      • January 10, 2020 / 7:16 pm

        I completely agree with you. It’s so easy for us to just push it to the side and not do it. But so much more satisfying if we do actually follow our dreams and succeed 🙏🏾👏🏾✨

        • March 7, 2020 / 6:33 pm

          So true! Wow, I’m just now seeing this, my apologies. But I truly miss blog comments and just reading and commenting on blogs in general. I thought this was lost in the sea of all the other platforms we now have. So to see you come here, read and take the time to comment, that means the world to me. Thank you 🙂 xoxo

    2. Shelley
      January 10, 2020 / 7:02 pm

      First of all, love the hat, love those ankle boots. 2 cute statement pieces and some swinging hair! Yessss!!! Keep up the work girl!

      • January 10, 2020 / 7:15 pm

        Thank you!!! Not sure if you’d believe me but I’ve only worn those boots once. I loved how they looked but have no idea why I haven’t work them much. Cuz you’re right! They’re gorgeous! 😍. Thanks for the compliments! 💕

    3. Elise
      January 10, 2020 / 7:07 pm

      I miss old fashioned blogs, where you can come to get quality content paired with quality images. Frowns out the noise of scrolling and getting carried away. Feel like I’ve waisted so much time looking for inspiration and getting carried away in the scroll of it all 😩. I’m saving/ bookmarking your site for a quick fix girl, love your style and your sweet worlds of inspo! 👏🏾🙌🏾

      • January 10, 2020 / 7:14 pm

        Girl omg me toooooo!!!! I was just thinking this the other day too! How can we revive the age of the bloooog?! Such a cute era that was way too short lived!

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