My New Productivity Hack

Something just recharged my spirit, lol. I was so happy to revisit this video on my youtube channel. While watching it, I started to feel a sense of ease, a sense of peace. Like you know what? I got this. We got this. Let’s develop routines to help us get through each day. Let’s write our goals out for things we’d like to accomplish each day. And them take them on one by one in groups of 3 each day.

Adding routines to my everyday life was so useful before, its mandatory to reimplent and follow this now. It helps to get your mind off of things. Keep you productive and going. I’m not sure how many of you feel the same or have a need for this as much as I do. But heavenly father, I need this. Routines.

These little devices help so seamlessly with that too. Why was I not using this before? You can simply set up 3 types of routines for each part of your day. Your morning, afternoon/evening and your bed time routine. You can set it to play music, tv, a task, a reminder, whatever your needs may be at that time. It has your back, lol.

This addition to my life has changed it and I’m not looking back. So easy and inexpensive to do. Where have I been all this time?

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