Hair Obsessed

I have no idea why I insist on spending HOURS on end EVERY week, mulling and obsessing over whether I want to wear my hair straight or curly. I literally spend hours online. On Instagram looking through my saves, my explore page and through old pics and videos of myself on my phone. Then, as if that’s not time-consuming enough, I start washing my hair, only to start doubting my choice all over again. So then I take even longer to move to the next step of washing my hair. Whats normally a 2-3 hour hair washing routine now becomes an ALL DAY process.

My main concern is though, why is that we must obsess so much over our hair? Are we not pretty enough no matter which way we decide to wear it? Do we feel a certain amount of pressurre to wear our hair a certain way? Are we afraid of damaging our hair with too much heat if we weaar it staright? If we do damage our hair, are we all just backed against a wall with the decision to big chop or die? It all seems so scary and crazy at times? Lets talk about it! Cuz I;m curious to see how many of us share this same problem.

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    1 Comment

    1. September 18, 2019 / 7:27 am

      Nice article, waiting for you next article

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