When I first saw this photo in editing I almost gagged. I thought “Who is that? That’s me?!” Lol. This pic came as a very gentle reminder for me. Because there are times where I don’t or can’t see my own beauty. Many times, we allow external factors such as our environment and the things we see to determine how we feel about ourselves, and we should not. Which is why I am extremely careful about the things I consume. The things I look at on tv, social media, and in life are mostly reflective of how I want to feel inside. Things that are inspiring, uplifting, and positively enlightening.
And while we all have our own insecurities, I think controlling the things we consume can help us to inwardly grow in a positive way. It can help us to be at peace and not stress. If you’re constantly surrounded by stress, a stressful work environment, stressful people, situations, etc. Then that will transfer into your own life. If you’re in a stressful environment or around stressful people then do everything in your power to remove yourself from that field of energy until you’re strong enough to block it out if you must be around it. Because you become what you surround yourself with. You become that which you are surrounded by.
And creating content like this helps me to see my own worth, in the flesh. From the outside looking in. It feels great to be reminded that you’re just in your own head about things. Even the little things you’re insecure about don’t even matter because the whole picture, inside and out is far better than
*Photos Shot by J. Coerbell @coerbellphotos*