Everything You Need to Know about Traveling to St. Lucia During Covid

EVERYTHING you need and want to know about traveling to St. Lucia right now. How much we spent, where we stayed, what tests we took, timing, airplane/airport info. I leave nothing out! Here is exactly what it’s like traveling during covid.

Let me just start by saying, traveling during this period of time in our lives is def not for the faint at heart. It wasn’t too crazy but it def wasn’t easy, lol. I remember watching video after video on youtube about other people’s trips, well they were more like vlogs. Where they left out 95% of what i am telling you in the video above. I mean, zero actual preparation for what was ahead as far as getting out of the country, getting to your dream location and back. It truly made me miss and realize how much we took for granted what traveling was like before.

I’ll spare you all the details in this blog post by detailing it all in the video. It is a long enough video after all, LOL. So grab some food, cast me to your tv, and let’s dive into this. The REAL actual tea on traveling during covid.

The 3 things you need:

1. Negative PCR Covid Test 2. Approved Travel Auth Form 3. Quarantine Consent Form

Travel Authorization Form: https://travelslu.govt.lc/

Hotel We Stayed at: https://bit.ly/2NY3fLm

Transportation from Airport to Hotel Roundtrip: https://bit.ly/3m09nQ4

Disposable Shoe Coverings for going through security: https://amzn.to/31ozUNt

I’ve used the tracking links above to keep up with the traffic this video sends to these websites. Just in case I may want to work with them in the future! 😉

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